Comprehensive, tailored consulting to resolve your workplace challenges.

Are you hearing the roar of a waterfall around the next bend in the river and feel like you've lost your paddle? Does that thunder and lightning on the horizon have you wishing you owned a better raincoat?

Whether you and your team are in a crisis or want to avoid one, I provide customized, in-depth consulting to help you weather the storms of change in your organization. Tailored exactly to your needs and your organization’s challenges, my consulting involves collaborative diagnosis and problem-solving, and just the right combination of science and compassion, head and heart. I’ll provide you with intelligent and thoughtful analysis and solutions, when you need it most.



Conflict Resolution

  • Identify the dynamics that contribute to conflict in the workplace
  • Understand your primary default modes of dealing with conflict
  • Learn and appropriately apply all the modes of dealing with conflict
  • Differentiate between problems that can be solved and chronic conflicts that must be managed
  • Handle group and individual conflicts effectively

Communication Skills

  • Apply appropriate communication styles to any workplace situation
  • Minimize misunderstandings
  • Confront difficult employees with confidence
  • Manage challenging conversations with ease
  • Effectively give and receive positive and negative feedback
  • Foster open, honest, and healthy communication

Managing Change

  • Understand the nature and principles of the change process
  • Strengthen your ability to handle change
  • Deal with resistance to change at all levels of your organization
  • Increase your own resilience and the resilience of your team
  • Improve your success with change-related projects

Embracing Diversity in the Workplace

  • Learn how to view workplace conflicts through the lens of diversity issues
  • Understand the experiences of both marginalized and central team members
  • Identify and practice methods for facilitating workplace discussions about diversity issues
  • Examine diversity from the larger perspective of your community and our world
  • Incorporate tools for embracing diversity into your work and your life